Tuesday, December 18, 2012

More cleaning.

As promised, I am posting the "stink stank" recipe (photo 1).  I know it sounds gross, my husband HATES the smell of vinegar, he actually begs me to light a candle when I use this stuff haha!  So, that's why I call it "stink stank", but it works great, even though it smells. 

Stink Stank Spray:
*enough* vinegar (any type, I used apple cider, you can also use white distilled)
*enough* dish washing liquid (make sure you use dishwashing liquid, I tried this with laundry detergent and I  made a really big volcano)
10 DROPS tea tree essential oil
5 DROPS eucalyptus essential oil
5 DROPS lemon essential oil

Things you will need:
clean spray bottle (brand new, or used, I just cleaned one of my old ones out really well)

Situate the funnel in the spray bottle. 
Pour *enough* vinegar (refer to photo 2 I attached to this blog, fill to the bottom orange line)
Still using the funnel, squeeze *enough* dishwashing liquid in (refer to photo 2 again, fill to the top orange line)
My cheap woman tip:  buy cheap dish washing liquid for this, I bought Walmart's Great Value Ultra Concentrated Green Apple Scent Dishwashing Liquid 24 Fl. Oz., just for this purpose, and other cleaning purposes besides dishes :-)
Now, I take the funnel out, and add the (20 total) drops of essential oils.  After adding the essential oils, twist the spray lid on, and shake.  Now, let this sit for about 30 minutes, then it is ready to use.  I give it a few good shakes every time I use it. 

This spray works for so many things, it really works great with my previous Gloopy Glop recipe.  You can use this stinky stuff on just about anything, and it requires very little elbow grease! 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Clean, clean, clean :-)

After trying a few of those pinterest cleaning recipes, and tweaking them to fit my needs, I decided to share the tips that I have come up with. 

The Gloopy Glop
(I didn't feel like telling the husband what all it was, so I just called it "the gloopy glop")
1 c. baking soda
1 tbs. salt
1 tbs. baking powder
1 tsp. cream of tarter
2 tbs. dish washing liquid (any kind)
10 DROPS peppermint essential oil
5 DROPS tea tree essential oil
5 DROPS eucalyptus essential oil
***Enough Water***

First, you mix your b. soda, b. powder, salt, & cream of tarter in a bowl (I use a old butter tub).  Then, add the dish washing liquid, and essential oils;  now mix it (I use my hands and just squeeze it all together).  After you have that mixed, add water.  I didn't measure how much was needed, I just add a little and mix, then add more.  If you are "one of those" who just need measurements, I would say, add about a tsp. of water at a time, while mixing, until it turns into this gloopy glop consistency (I would say like paste, but it doesn't feel much like paste).  If it seems to be too watery, add more baking soda, a tsp. at a time. 

Yay, you just made gloopy glop!  Ok, now, what do you do with this science experiment!?  Anything!  I grabbed a handful of it and  slopped it around inside of my microwave (which had BURNT marshmallows stuck to it **gross, I know, it was seeming impossible to get out**) then I let it sit for 30 minutes.  Then I sprayed it down with my stink stank spray (mostly has vinegar in it, the recipe to that will be next) and I let it bubble for a minute and took a damp wash rag and wiped it out a bit.  Then, I took a couple of my fabric softener (dryer) sheets and scrubbed it down more, then rinsed my rag and wiped again.  Once the microwave was completey clean I used a dry paper towel and dried it out!  I was able to get all of the burnt marshmallows off with using hardly any elbow grease! 

It really is amazing, that gloopy glop.  The dryer sheets help a lot also, plus they smell nice :-)   This stuff works for just about anything, I even cleaned my rusty iron skillet with it, and all of the rust is gone!  I used it in my bathtub, toilet, and my stainless steal kitchen sink, all are sparkling clean!